Tuesday, December 29, 2009

....and let there be light

It was a jubilant time in Amazing Grace when they got the solar panels to power the home.It has been long over due but we thank God for the provision of the solar power through Lahash international, now the home enjoys electricity.

Since the inception of the home, the children have been using kerosene to light their lantern lamps.The kerosene cost kept going up and up and it was expensive to maintain them.
The older children were not getting humble time to do their studies.

They had to gather in one lamp so as to get time to study but now this has now changed since the inception of the solar power.
God has been so grateful to us this year seeing some developments in the home.This December,2009 Lahash international donated funds to see this solar project become a reality in Amazing Grace Home.

Three panels were purchased and two solar batteries this will help in the supply of power in the home and also used to power electronic devices in the home.

Edwin, Lahash coordinator in East Africa helped out in the purchase and installation of the solar panels in the home.

it has been a dream come true for the children in the home since now the can enjoy electricity" said Edwin.
The solar panels is to help out in saving the high cost of fuel used to light- up the home using kerosene.
We want to thank each one of you for who helped out giving us the best christmass gift this year may God bless you this Chistmas season.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff & Edwin! This is so cool. Thanks for sharing the story!
