Friday, March 12, 2010

Emergency Funds Bring Relief To Amazing Grace

     The call went out and you answered!  We were able to raise the monies needed for Amazing Grace to get back on track again.  Here is what was needed:

Amazing Grace food: $400 (800,000 UGSH)
Salaries: $770 (1,540,000 UGSH)
Uniforms: $330 (660,000 UGSH)
Total $1,500
The total raised was roughly $1860 (I need to confirm these figures)!  This total is more than what was needed.

    Thanks to everyone's prayers and helping out financially.  It doesn't stop here though, Amazing Grace still needs constant financial support and always prayer.  Prayerfully consider becoming a financial support of Amazing Grace, because even the smallest donation makes a difference.
Eric "Chappy" Chapman
advocate Amazing Grace Childrens Home
Lahash of New Mexico 

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